Robert Uhls
Hello, I'm Pastor Bob. It's nice to meet you here. So here's a little bit about me. I was born and raised in St. Petersburg, Florida. I graduated from Columbia International University with a degree in Bible. I then went to pursue a Masters of Divinity at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth, Texas. I graduated from Southwestern with an MDiv in 1990. I pastored in Texas for 11 years before returning to Florida. After 20 years in the business world, God called me to start Suncoast Liberty Fellowship.
It was the summer of 2020 watching the violent culture wars in Portland and Seattle. God put it on my heart to have a night of prayer for our country before the election and invite the public. We held the Night of Prayer on November 1, 2020. Several hundred people attended and out of that was born Suncoast Liberty Fellowship. We have been meeting on Sundays eversince that day to pray for our country, and grow personally through the study of God's Word.
During the present time of cultural and moral crisis in our country, my preaching motto is very specific:
"Proclaiming God's Truth, Hope, and Love, we address Cultural and Life issues through the Cross of Christ and the Lens of Scripture."
I firmly believe America needs to return to its Judeo-Christian moral foundation. If we don't, our country will continue to disintegrate from within.
If you visit our church, I would love to meet you. I am always available after the service and it would be a pleasure to get to know you and answer any questions you might have. God bless you in your Christian journey!